This fifth book by the LEAGUE OF EMPTY ONES is called the very last one – and the one and only written in English! Therefore i try to formulate my review also in English... The whole book touches me like a mystical ritual because the main theme is repeated again and again in hypnotizing variations: the identity of zeroness and infinity. The enlightened result of that simple knowledge is "neither nihilism nor atheism" (page 16) but means that "there is no dualistic paradox" (page 6). This thin booklet needs only twenty pages to explain basically why "even your thinking itself is just a reflected object of your awareness and therefore a part of the infinite world without transcendental god." (page 14) and that "Therefore everything is ABSOLUTELY connected without back." (page 16) In opposite to all religions that try to catch the "infinite stream of being (...) in an idea called God or Gaia" (page 17) this new transspirituality says that "your ego itself is just an illusion produced by language" (page 19) and exactly this ego illusion "produces an imaginary ideal area 'beyond' (that is God for religious people and nothingness for new spiritual seekers)." (page 19) In transspiritual terms "There is no difference at all between body, i and emptiness. These are just psychotic intellectual problems." (page 20) The loss of these problems makes everything "appear as its own empty suchness" (page 21) so that "YOU ARE THE SELFLESS MOMENT ITSELF" (page 24, original in capital letters) in which "matter becomes aware of itself" (page 26). This final message seems to be rather a general neurobiological conclusion than a special satsang wisdom. It proves again that the authors are no gurus with any esoteric secret to tell.