There is no separate person. It is the "I am" which does not have any substance. There is neither a path towards fulfillment nor is there anyone separate from it. There is nothing to gain and nothing to lose. As there is no self, the idea of self-fulfillment is a mere illusion. All teachings are part of an illusion, namely that there is an "I" which is imprisoned. There is no one.


LDL-VORWORT: Immer wieder zum Staunen, dass nach so vielen Jahrtausenden Philosophie-Geschichte, Soziologie-Modellen, Psychologie-Theorien und Politik-Ideologien noch immer nicht erkannt wird, dass sämtliche Ansätze bereits im Kern falsch sind, da sie als innerste Instanz prinzipiell die Illusion des Ichs voraussetzen, das alles vermeintlich erlebt, erfährt, erfühlt und erdenkt, organisiert und besitzt. Bedauerlich, dass der ununterbrochene Gesellschaftsbetrieb diesen Tunnelblick nicht durchschaut, sondern sich nur neue Variationen der klassischen Idealbegriffe wie Frieden und Freiheit erschafft, um zu behaupten, nun endlich die Wahrheit gefunden zu haben. Mit dieser Taktik lässt sich zwar Geld verdienen, aber niemals das Klima retten; denn immerfort wird es das Ich bleiben, das meint, irgendetwas tun zu müssen, anstatt endlich die Klappe zu halten und die paradiesische Stille in jeder Zelle zu spüren! Wo niemand ist, kann weder etwas gefunden werden noch braucht etwas gesucht zu werden. Nur wenige Menschen verstehen diese einfache Botschaft, die alle spirituellen Hoffnungen zunichte macht. Einer davon ist ANDREAS MÜLLER, von dem es diese englische und eine deutsche Gastautoren-Seite bei uns gibt. Mach dich auf harte Zenpeitschenhiebe gefasst! Zieh dein Ego warm an, es wird kosmisch kalt! DAS KLIMA MUSS NICHT GERETTET WERDEN. ES GIBT ANDERE WESEN, DIE BEI HITZE BEWUSSTSEIN ENTWICKELN KÖNNEN. DER PLANET BRAUCHT DIE MENSCHHEIT NICHT, UM SCHÖN ZU SEIN...


Blindly itself

The dream is that there is someone separate – separate from thoughts, separate from feelings, separate from people, separate from situations or separate from wholeness, fulfilment, the natural reality. It is the "one" who feels separate who does not have any reality. Every attempt to find one's way back into paradise is futile as there is no one who has lost paradise. What is paradise then? That which seems to be happening. That which is blindly itself. This paradise has nothing to do with the person's ideas of goodness or pleasant experiences. It is a paradise that neither knows about itself nor does it experience itself. It is nothing else than what seems to be happening: Thoughts, feelings, an alive body, people, nature, deep sleep.



No person

The idea of "inner peace" is a spiritual idea within the personal dream. Within that dream, there seem to be states and one of them is called "being in peace". Everything is naturally at peace by simply being itself, but there is no idea of being in peace. The one that plays a personal game of switching between states is illusory. There is no person.



No liberation for someone

There is no such thing as liberation for someone. There is also no such thing as enlightenment or awakening for someone. Apparent liberation is the death of the illusion that there is a separate entity. However, this apparent dropping (of the illusion) does not happen to anyone. It is exactly this 'I' which is seeking for personal fulfilment – and maybe for the dropping of an illusion – which is not real. That which experiences itself to be real isn't real. In that sense it is the whole seeking dynamic which does not have any reality. "I am unfulfilled, therefore I have to seek", "I sought, therefore I got something" and "I am on a path towards fulfilment" are all based on this one illusion: Namely that there is an 'I am' in the first place. It is all of that which turns out to be non-existent. And as all of that turns out to be non-existent, this 'turning out to be non-existent' turns out to be non-existent as well.



Bodies walking around

Liberation is the total and irreversible collapse of the energetic impression that there is a self. It is sudden and unexpected, ordinary and impersonal. What collapses together with that illusion is the sense of separation and loss, the sense to exist in time and space, the sense of doership and victimhood, the sense of being on a path towards something greater. What is left however is what seems to be happening. What is left is the natural reality. What's left are bodies walking around, thoughts, feelings, an apparent world and deep sleep. All of that is neither present nor absent. All of that simply happens for no one.



The illusion of a spiritual world

The whole search for something deeper in life – true peace, true love, true freedom, meaning or purpose – seems to come out of and happen for an energetic, yet artificial center that's assumed to inhabit our bodies. All seeking for more fulfilling experiences is spiritual seeking, no matter if it is money that's supposed to bring about a deeper joy or spiritual insights and enlightenment. It is this spirit which is illusory. There is no 'I' which is living within us. In that sense, the whole spiritual world is part of that illusion. All attempts to install an ongoing experience of love, wisdom, egolessness, liberation or clarity are based on that illusion – and are futile. It is the collapse of that illusion which ends the seeking, however, for no one. Apparent liberation is the death of that spirit – the energetic melting back into totality – without any replacement. What's left is simple and ordinary, yet perfectly harmonious: What's left is what seems to be happening – for no one.



One Seeing, One Knowing, One Love

From the experience of separation the assumption arises that there is a way back to wholeness. The assumption is that there are steps and stages, methods and techniques. As long as this self-experience seems to exist, one worships "things" – ideas and conceptions, a certain way of life, a priest, a guru, money or Buddha or Jesus on the cross. The apparent person hopes that these things are mediators on the way to personal fulfillment. That’s the illusion. It is based on the experience that one is "something" – a self that experiences itself and is aware of its presence. A self that has to find its way back to perfection. What is being reported here is that there is no one. Not only the ideas and conceptions in which the person lives are illusory, this whole experience has no substance.



Longing & love

While the illusory 'I' longs to be loved or to be loving, while it wants to find and know love, while it wants to arrive in love, there is no such thing. What it looks for is an experience of what it would call "unconditional love" while actually it looks for a conditioned love: A love that can be felt and experienced by someone. So, apparently, it goes on seeking, longing and hoping that it can find or regain this experience. However, there is not anyone. Unconditional love cannot be found because there is no one who has lost love. Unconditional love cannot be experienced, because it is not "something over there". What apparently happens is all there is and it is uncompromisingly and unconditionally itself. That is unconditional love.





The idea that there could be a real realization of wholeness is part of the dream of separation. "I am" is the illusion of realization: "I know that I am" is synonymous to "I realize that I exist" which is synonymous to "I am realized". As this experience seems to be accompanied by a sense of unfulfillment, the idea of an additional, greater realization arises. However, it is this first realization – "I am" – which never becomes existent. There is no "I" which knows about itself and which can possibly comprehend the idea of a future realization. That which is, is blindly and beautifully itself. There is no realization of it, because it is already so.



There is no answer to life


There is no answer to life as there is no such thing as "life" in the first place. Life is what apparently happens – it is total and real as well as empty and meaningless – however, it is never some thing that is going on. The impression that there is a separate reality about which questions can be asked ("What is life?", "What's the purpose of life?", "What is the truth in all of this?"), is part of a dream: The felt assumption that there is a separate entity and that that's who we are. There isn't. There isn't anything which we are. There is no "I" in the first place. There is no answer to life, because this ongoing thing called life and all the questions about it are dreamt already. The need to find an answer – it might be intellectual, emotional or energetic - is part of the same dream. No answer is needed as there's nothing that has been lost.





Love is not something that needs to be achieved, gotten or created. What apparently happens, is naturally whole and complete already. In that sense, love is the natural reality from which nothing is separate.

All teachings that try to create love or turn it into something that is achievable by someone are based on an illusion: That there is someone or something which is not love. What this illusion is looking for is a conditioned love. It seeks a love that needs to be experienced, a love that can be known and felt. It is a love that is identified by the possibility of discrimination. The apparent illusion "knows" quite certain, what is love and what is not love.

However, that's the dream: That something is love and that something is not love. That love has been lost and needs to be rediscovered.

There is no separation from what seems to be happening – and what seems to be happening is naturally whole complete. That's what's meant when it is said that love is all there is. It is the simple and natural "okay-ness" of all that seems to be happening – for no one.



Neither inside nor outside


There is neither an "inside of one's awareness" nor an "outside of one's awareness". It is one's awareness which is no one's awareness already. It is nothing but a function of the apparent body, yet, as such it is purely itself.

The apparent person tries to use awareness as a tool in order to find personal fulfillment. Either it wants to be aware of what it thinks will bring about fulfillment – good feelings, insights, the perfect partner, money, enlightenment – or it wants to consciously be this awareness. Again hoping to find something deeper by being that.

However, there is no one. Awareness is neither who we are nor has it any meaning. It cannot be used as it does not have any autonomous existence. It just is blindly itself.



No illusion


That there is no "I" means that there is no illusion either. It is only the "I" which wants to get rid of the "I". All these religions which want to transcend the ego, kill the "I" or see through the illusion are based on the idea that there is an ego, an "I" or an illusion in the first place. Yet, there is not. That there is an illusion is the illusion. That there is an "I" is the apparent dream already. Whatever you try to do, there is no one to begin with. It is this "you" which is without any substance. Nothing needs to be seen, nothing needs to be transcended and nothing needs to dissolve. There is no "I" in the first place.



No one alive


Life is useless – how could it be useful if there is no one alive in the first place?!

The attempt to use life in order to find fulfillment is part of the dream of being a separate individual. This apparent "I" experiences itself as unfulfilled and hopes that it can at least use its life. In that sense, it tries to use whatever seems promising in order to find a deeper satisfaction – friends, partners, jobs, situations, thoughts and feelings, its own presence, life in general.

However, what apparently happens, cannot be used. It is neither something real nor does it contain any deeper essence that could be discovered and used. This so-called reality – what seems to be happening – is utterly empty and utterly meaningless. Nothing can be found within it. However, this so-called reality – what seems to be happening – is also utterly whole and utterly complete. So again, it cannot offer anything further than the very wholeness that it already is.

Life cannot be used. It is what apparently happens, yet, there is no one alive.
Life is what apparently happens, however, it is not anyone's.
Life is what apparently happens, yet, it is as inexperienced as everything else.
There is no one alive within that apparent life.
That's the freedom and the love that is no one's.



No soul to be seen

What's the soul? - It is another description of an apparent illusion: That there is something which we really are; some kind of an energetic, spiritual center. In some traditions it is called soul, in some traditions it is called awareness, the "I", pure presence or something similar. In that sense, it is just another word for the apparent "I"-illusion, a self-description, so to speak. It is exactly this center which is without substance. It is what feels the most intimate and known to the person – its own presence – which isn't real. (Apparent) liberation is the melting back of that illusion into wholeness by the turning out that it never existed in the first place. This apparent death leaves nothing but what apparently happens. Surprisingly, there's nothing missing.



Keine Seele zu sehen

Was ist die Seele? – Sie ist eine andere Beschreibung einer scheinbaren Illusion: Die Annahme, dass es etwas gibt, das wir wirklich sind; eine Art energetisches, spirituelles Zentrum. In manchen Traditionen wird es Seele genannt, in manchen Traditionen Gewahrsein, das "Ich", reine Präsenz oder etwas ähnliches. Insofern ist es nur ein anderes Wort für die scheinbare Ich-Illusion, eine Art Selbstbeschreibung sozusagen. Es ist genau dieses Zentrum, das ohne Substanz ist. Es ist das, was sich der Person am intimsten und vertrautesten anfühlt – ihre eigene Präsenz – das nicht real ist. (Scheinbare) Befreiung ist das Zurückfallen dieser Illusion des Getrenntseins in die Ungetrenntheit, indem sich herausstellt, dass sie überhaupt nie existiert hat. Dieser scheinbare Tod hinterlässt nichts als das, was scheinbar passiert. Überraschenderweise fehlt nichts.




More german quotes by Andreas Müller in the area "GASTBEITRAEGE"


Note on spelling: highlights (color, bold, italics) in all text excerpts with permission of the author.



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